Sunday, September 21, 2008

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Jaggar's 1st Broken Bone!!!

Jaggar broke his leg at the beginning of August. He was playing at my parents house and we aren't quite sure what happened. (My parents would die if they knew I was putting this on my blog). They felt absolutely horrible. They are adding on to their house and their was so much commotion going on and lots of extra kids. (The contractors wives and kids brought them up lunch), and my mom turned around to talk to the cabinet guy for a split second, and the next thing that she knew, Jaggar was screaming bloody murder. When you ask him what happened he says, "voom, voom"! So we are thinking that some how, some way he must have fallen off the four-wheeler. He got his cast off last week. He can have a bath again!! Hooray! (The one pic is what his cast looked like the day he got it cut off.) You can sure tell that his broken leg didn't slow him down any. We are so glad!!!