We spent Thanksgiving in Blanding with Jav's family. We had a great time with all of his bros and sistas!!! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving also! :) P.S. Do you like Jav's Mo-Hock hair cut??? I hate it! lol
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!
We spent Thanksgiving in Blanding with Jav's family. We had a great time with all of his bros and sistas!!! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving also! :) P.S. Do you like Jav's Mo-Hock hair cut??? I hate it! lol
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!
We had so much fun this Halloween!!! Even our DAD came with us this year trick-or-treating! THat's a first for him. We are so excited. Jaggar had such a great time with our neighbors!! We are so lucky to have such fun neighbors. Jaggar was a fireman and Krew was a dog. He only lasted for about an hour. We hope you had a Happy Halloween too!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Jav's Nebo Elk
Jav drew a nebo elk tag last year the hunting expo. LIttle did he know that he was going to have to go scouting for this elk 2 months prior to the opening day of the hunt. This was a hard hunt, but with lots of help from many family friends he was able to get a nice one. I was soooooo excited too, because now I can have my husband back on the weekends, or at least one weekend before the spike elk hunt starts. Thanks again to all of our family friends for the company, the food, the camp set up, and for many fun memmories.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Our FUN Family trip to HOGLE ZOO!!!!
Pirate Chairs
So my nice neighbor gave me these chairs. Thanks adri! And I decided that they would be perfect for my classroom. I just spray painted them, then modge podged some paper to them, added a bit of material and an eye patch, and tried to make them look like a pirate to match my classroom. What do you think??? I thought they turned out pretty cute!! The kids in my class can hardly wait to be captain of the week and super star of the day, so that they can have a chance to sit on them!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
24th of July Celebration
I know that I am like WAY behind on blogging, but things have just been so crazy around the Redd house. This is the 24th of July Celebration in Monroe. We went to the parade and our great neighbors and friends also came along with us. Jaggar's best friend Dagen who he absolutely adores got to catch candy at the parade with him. That was like a dream come true. After the parade we went to the park and hung out for awhile and Jag decided that he wanted to do the dunking booth. I was a little nervous at first, and I could tell that some of the parents were looking at me like you are honestly going to let your child do this? But yes, of course I did, he got right up there and plugged his nose. He was a great sport about it. We had a great celebration!!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
In Loving Memory of our DAD, GRANDPA, DR. and FRIEND
For all of you who have not already heard. Jav's father passed away on June 11, 2009. We are all still in shock and cannot even hardly believe it. Jim was Jav's best hunting partner in the world. Jav and the rest of the family are all having a really hard time. We just wanted to thank all of you who have helped us through this trial in our life. Thank you so much for the texts, the calls, the errands, and most importantly your PRAYERS. It really means a lot to us to have such awesome family and friends. We will deeply miss our father, grandpa, hunting partner, DR. and friend. WE LOVE YOU JIM!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Things I can NOT live with out!!!
THings I love come in sets of two!!! I absoutely LOVE these clorox clean up wipes. I can just quickly wipe everything down in the mornings without deep cleaning EVERY day and know that everything is clean and disinfected!!! Also, if you have never tried these magic erasers you TOTALLY should. They are great for tubs, showers, and your kitchen floor and even CARPETS!!!! My next 2 FAVORITE things are of course, my boys. They sure do keep me on my toes, but I wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world. They put a smile on my face everyday!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Memorial Day in MESQUITE!!!
We spent Sunday night in Mesquite with my brother and sister in law and my little nephew Trayl. We had so much fun -- even WITH the kids. Jaggar liked the water for about 5 seconds before Jav made him go under and then he was completely scared to death for the rest of the day. We will have to take him swimming more. IT was such a HOT day. Thanks Reg and LIns for an awesome weekend!!!
Krew's Baby Blessing
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Jaggar turns 3!!!!
Happy Birthday Jaggar!!! We had a John Deere Birthday Party. We had so much fun. The kids played with baby chicks, played pin the wheel on the tractor, ate tractor wheels and looked so cute wearing different farm animal hats (that I took forever making)!!! I can't believe my baby is 3 already!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
HE's here Krew Kent Redd!!!
I was induced on Monday night at 1:00 am because of severe adema (that's swelling) for those of you who don't know. My legs and feet were huge!!! I couldn't even where shoes. He came to us as 12:40 pm and was 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. He is sure a handsome little guy. We came home yesterday and had to go back to the hospital today for a jaundice test. NOw we just found out that they are bringing us some lights to put him under. I'm not to excited about that, but what do ya do!!! He is here and healthy, and I am SOOOOO glad that I am not prego anymore. Jaggar wasn't to sure about him the day he was born, he said he wanted to leave him at the hospital. But now if he can't see him at all times he is wondering where he is. He will be a great big brother!!! Thank you so much for all of your calls, texts and concerns. Your friendship means so much! I am so blessed to have such awesome friends and family!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
So Now YoU knoW Why I have Not BEen BlogGing LAtely. I havE BeeN so BusY. TrYing to Get JagGaR out of A cRIb and IntO a BiG BOY bed, re-dEcorating 2 beDroOms (I'll pUt picturEs of JaGgarS New SporTs RooM soon). Car ShoPping TakEs foRever, My BrothErs MiSsion cAll and HelpIng My MoM re-Decorate the New aDdition to heR hoUse All tAKes toNs of Time. DoinG AlL of This WhIle Still Trying to Be a HAPPY anD EnergEtic, Fat Pregnant Wife and Mother and KindErgaRten Teacher haS beeN jUSt a LittlE bit RougH!!! So Now I'M BacK to BlogGing until thE nexT TesT of My life ComeS!! HA, hA, ha!!!
Called To Serve!!!
My little bro Michael got his mission call and he is going to ORlanldo, FlOrida!!! How exciting! That means in two years we get to go to DISNEY WORLD!!! We are already sooo excited!!! He leaves on April 15th, so he will even get to see baby KREW!!! Congrats Michael. We love you so much and know that you will make an awesome MISSIONARY!!!
Happy Valentines!!!
So we have been car shopping for the past month or two so we could get something a little bigger. We finally found what we were looking for on Tuesday. I thought we were going down to St. George on Saturday (Valentines Day) to sign the papers and take it out for a ride. LIttle did I know that my SWEET Valentine had planned for me to drive it home. IT was mine. I couldn't even believe it!!! I am so excited to finally have a cute car. I have always had junkers. THanks honey, I love you so much!!!
So After 3 BUSY months things are going really good for us. By the way we are having a BOY for sure for those of you who don't know (since I haven't updated for 3 months now)!!! So much for all of my cute girlie pink and purple things. Maybe next time. We are so excited for another BOY. Especially Jaggar. When we are practicing letters Jaggar always finds K and says Krew mom??? ONly 5 or 6 weeks left or hopefully less. I am so ready to be DONE being pregnant. I just finished Krew's room (well almost) there are still some odds and ends but this is pretty much it!!! I took Jaggars old dressers and modge podged scrapbook paper to them and did the same with the letters. Nobody told me what a project I was getting myself into. Thank heavens I'm finally done!!! Jaggar was so sad at first to have to give up his room. But he has been a pretty good sport about it for the most part. He is growing up sooo fast.
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